"Hi Bobby.I have a quick question about Duke Nukem 3D. In fact it's a question I've been wondering about for years: the sounds/growls of the Battlelord and Octabrain, where did you source those sounds from? Were they from real animals??"One of the good things about finding the old 90's data CD's was that I can give you a more definitive answer to this question than my memory would serve.
These sounds were produced at a very hectic time in the production cycle -- between the release of the shareware version and the full version.
According to Wikipedia:
"The shareware version of the game was originally released on January 29, 1996, while the full version was released on April 19, 1996 as version 1.3d." Duke Nukem 3D - WikipediaI received artwork of two bosses (BOSS2.pcx and BOSS3.pcx) on around March 12, 1996. And I do mean "artwork," not animation:
![]() |
![]() |
BOSS 3 |
Note that "time and sleepiness" mentioned below probably helped me in thinking that this was written in 1995 instead of the actual year, 1996.
It's too bad that Blogger doesn't give audio in a blog the same respect as video. It would be nice just to have an audio widget built in. Note that these are mono files, so on SoundCloud they will play on the left only. The link provided is private to keep it from cluttering up the song files up there.
Hear them here: SoundCloud
March 19, 1995
Hey again!
Here are some more sfx. It is difficult to know exactly what route to
take regarding the death sounds without seeing how the bosses die --
but, I tried to hit a happy medium on it.
As usual, many of these sounds are fairly interchangable, so please
don't let my file names mislead you. A roam sound may be what you
consider perfect for an attack sound, an attack sound for a pain sound,
etc. Also, some of these may work for an earlier alien/critter if there
is still some lack there. I guess plugging things into the game will be
the ultimate test.
Also, I included a few walking sounds for Boss 3 -- don't know if you
planned on that or not. I would think that the walking sound _could_
take the place of the roaming sound. If Boss 3 is the only critter to
have a walking sound, it would set him apart and people would definitely
know that he is coming for them. I know that the programming aspect
might be the problem with this idea.
Files included here:
Boss 2 attacks -
B2ATK01 WAV 11,688 03-19-96 11:48p b2atk01.WAV
B2ATK02 WAV 17,494 03-19-96 11:48p b2atk02.WAV
B2ATK03 WAV 8,982 03-19-96 11:48p b2atk03.WAV
B2ATK04 WAV 16,376 03-19-96 11:48p b2atk04.WAV
B2ATK05 WAV 18,018 03-19-96 11:48p b2atk05.WAV
Boss 2 deaths -
B2DIE01 WAV 18,464 03-19-96 11:48p b2die01.WAV
B2DIE02 WAV 27,158 03-19-96 11:49p b2die02.WAV
B2DIE03 WAV 44,828 03-19-96 11:49p b2die03.WAV
Boss 2 pain -
B2PAIN01 WAV 14,132 03-19-96 11:49p b2pain01.WAV
B2PAIN02 WAV 9,732 03-19-96 11:49p b2pain02.WAV
B2PAIN03 WAV 11,950 03-19-96 11:49p b2pain03.WAV
B2PAIN04 WAV 6,182 03-19-96 11:49p b2pain04.WAV
Boss 2 recognize -
B2REC01 WAV 14,576 03-19-96 11:49p b2rec01.WAV
B2REC02 WAV 17,546 03-19-96 11:49p b2rec02.WAV
B2REC03 WAV 18,342 03-19-96 11:49p b2rec03.WAV
B2REC04 WAV 10,656 03-19-96 11:49p b2rec04.WAV
B2REC05 WAV 12,010 03-19-96 11:49p b2rec05.WAV
B2REC06 WAV 6,844 03-19-96 11:49p b2rec06.WAV
Boss 2 roam -
B2ROAM01 WAV 16,850 03-19-96 11:49p b2roam01.WAV
B2ROAM02 WAV 18,248 03-19-96 11:49p b2roam02.WAV
B2ROAM03 WAV 11,698 03-19-96 11:49p b2roam03.WAV
B2ROAM04 WAV 12,698 03-19-96 11:49p b2roam04.WAV
Boss 3 attack -
B3ATK01 WAV 26,882 03-19-96 11:49p b3atk01.WAV
B3ATK03 WAV 17,990 03-19-96 11:49p b3atk03.WAV
Boss 3 death -
B3DIE01 WAV 13,160 03-19-96 11:49p b3die01.WAV
B3DIE02 WAV 32,200 03-19-96 11:49p b3die02.WAV
B3DIE03 WAV 24,104 03-19-96 11:49p b3die03.WAV
B3DIE04 WAV 14,308 03-19-96 11:49p b3die04.WAV
Boss 3 pain -
B3PAIN01 WAV 12,214 03-19-96 11:50p b3pain01.WAV
B3PAIN02 WAV 11,078 03-19-96 11:50p b3pain02.WAV
B3PAIN03 WAV 12,564 03-19-96 11:50p b3pain03.WAV
B3PAIN04 WAV 21,630 03-19-96 11:50p b3pain04.WAV
B3PAIN05 WAV 30,306 03-19-96 11:50p b3pain05.WAV
B3PAIN06 WAV 16,094 03-19-96 11:50p b3pain06.WAV
Boss 3 recognize -
B3REC01 WAV 11,506 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec01.WAV
B3REC02 WAV 18,874 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec02.WAV
B3REC03 WAV 15,482 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec03.WAV
B3REC04 WAV 22,962 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec04.WAV
B3REC05 WAV 12,190 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec05.WAV
B3REC06 WAV 19,264 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec06.WAV
B3REC07 WAV 22,314 03-19-96 11:50p b3rec07.WAV
Boss 3 roam -
B3ROAM01 WAV 22,972 03-19-96 11:50p b3roam01.WAV
B3ROAM02 WAV 29,016 03-19-96 11:50p b3roam02.WAV
B3ROAM03 WAV 21,658 03-19-96 11:50p b3roam03.WAV
Boss 3 walk -
B3WALK01 WAV 14,664 03-19-96 11:50p b3walk01.WAV
B3WALK02 WAV 14,692 03-19-96 11:50p b3walk02.WAV
B3WALK03 WAV 10,334 03-19-96 11:51p b3walk03.WAV
I will try to do something with the music -- time and sleepiness may
take their toll there. Wish that George had made these problems known
earlier when there was plenty of time.
For those of you who were not working/playing on a computer in the DOS days, you should be aware that file names in DOS could be a maximum of 8 characters, followed by a dot, followed by 3 characters. Thus the sometimes cryptic file names. The REC files are "the boss recognizes me" sounds. ROAM are the sounds made when the boss is roaming and "thinking to himself."
As for the sounds used, many were animal sounds. I used a lot of animal growls, grunts, screams, hisses and such. For BOSS3, I added mechanical/metallic sounds for his walk.
As I've mentioned in at least one other post, I record sounds whenever I travel (or hear some local, usable sound). I've been to quite a few zoos, several rain forests and other places where I might luck up on some really usable sounds. Of course, I've made use of sound effect CD's too.
A lot of the mechanical sounds I used in Duke 3D were recorded at Apogee headquarters. The coke machine: coin servo, drink supply mechanism, coins dropping in the change slot, hum of the refrigeration unit, etc. The copier cycling. The urinal flushing. The general "buzz" of multiple conversations at one time. The sky was the limit.
In recent years, I have saved the multitrack audio software files and all of the tracks' raw effects, settings, audio effects, etc. so I know how I came up with the sounds.
For Duke 3D, in those megabyte hard drive days, I would not have had disk space to store all of the raw effects I used, especially given the number of final effects that were required. Besides the effects, I also edited all of the voice over files, and there were many hundred's of those since the final voice overs were not chosen until the edited ones were completed. Add to that the rush of having to complete sound effects "yesterday," there was really no time to think about keeping track of anything more than getting things done.
I'm not trying to gain any sympathy here. My wording is an attempt to show the time pressure toward the end of the project.
I'm not trying to gain any sympathy here. My wording is an attempt to show the time pressure toward the end of the project.
Hear them here: SoundCloud
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